Here he was, for an hour, talking up and getting absolutely electric about technology and the future for Google and the United States, but as he saw the hour closing in on the two, Schmidt, the brilliant manager, politician, and salesman (ultimately) that he is, ended with some corny notion of "deeper reading." He alluded to, at the end of the day, that, in spite of Instant Search (something Google's just come out with the other week), Schmidt waxed Romantic over how pleasurable and thoroughly satisfying a good old fashion book is. Yeah, right. Schmidt wrote the forward to The Startup Game, and in doing so, practically endorsed the thing. Charlie Rose was just another of Google's tour, the objective of which is to maintain appearances about things with the U.S. (You might've caught him on Colbert the other week.)
Watch the full interview here. Or download and buy it here:
Charlie Rose - Eric Schmidt, CEO of Google (March 6, 2009)