Author Steven Johnson takes us on a 10-minute tour of The Ghost Map, his book about a cholera outbreak in 1854 London and the impact it had on science, cities and modern society.
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Author Steven Johnson takes us on a 10-minute tour of The Ghost Map, his book about a cholera outbreak in 1854 London and the impact it had on science, cities and modern society.
Eli Kintisch and Bethanne Patrick discuss Kintisch's new book, Hack the Planet: Science's Best Hope - or Worst Nightmare - for Averting Climate Catastrophe.
Exactly what took place in Ethiopia 25 years ago will probably never be established beyond doubt. After all, it was a war zone mired in chaos, desperation and human misery. It may be, as Geldof insists, that the vast majority of aid his charity raised reached its intended recipients and that none was used, contrary to the BBC report, to buy military hardware.
But according to a new book by the Dutch writer Linda Polman, such positive outcomes are the exception in the field of humanitarian aid. In War Games: the Story of Aid and War in Modern Times, Polman argues that humanitarianism has become a massive industry that, along with the global media, forms an unholy alliance with warmongers.
Sam Lipsyte reads two hilarious passages from THE ASK about recently unemployed, middle-aged Milo Burke and all of his anxieties.Download the podcast here. There's also this NY Times piece on The Ask:
Sam Lipsyte’s third novel, “The Ask,” is a dark and jaded beast — the sort of book that, if it were an animal, would be a lumbering, hairy, cryptozoological ape-man with a near-crippling case of elephantiasis. Literary satire has become a rare form in America over the past three decades. When it does make an appearance, it almost passes for a nostalgic gesture despite its typically cutting-edge content. As a result, Lipsyte is one of a handful of living American satirists (and when I say “handful” I mean a very tiny hand, with three fingers at most, including the thumb) who can tell a traditional story while remaining foul-mouthed and dirty enough to occupy the literary vanguard. This stuff wouldn’t play well at, say, meetings of the D.A.R. — too bad in a way, because it might not hurt them to hear it. Lipsyte is not only a smooth sentence-maker, he’s also a gifted critic of power.See also: Home Land: A Novel
Story: Richard Clarke, the former anti-terrorism czar, has now turned his attention to a new national security threat: cyberwar. In a new book, Clarke details what a full-scale cyberattack could look like, how the United States is particularly vulnerable, and what measures can be taken to ensure our networks remain safe.Read the full Fresh Air transcript here, and listen to the podcast. See also: Against All Enemies: Inside America's War on Terror
Dr. Moira Gunn and David Ewing Duncan talk personalized medicine with Wired magazine Executive Editor, Thomas Goetz.Download the podcast here. See also: The Healing of America: A Global Quest for Better, Cheaper, and Fairer Health Care
Watson has released "Aliens in the Prime of Their Lives," which contains the title piece, a novella of 72 pages, and 11 other stories. Sometimes there are influences, of the best pedigree, discernable in Watson's fiction. In "Aliens," we see the influence of Kurt Vonnegut's "Slaughterhouse Five," perhaps.Download the podcast here. See also: Slaughterhouse-Five: A Novel
From "The Lovely BonesIn the podcast, Miller says, "Belief in hell is tanking; it's tanking worse than the economy tanked last year." Download the podcast here." to "What Dreams May Come: A Novel
," our popular conception of heaven is becoming increasingly beautiful and irreligious. We talk to Lisa Miller, Religion Editor at Newsweek Magazine and author of the new book "Heaven: Our Enduring Fascination with the Afterlife." She joins us with a look at changing conceptions of heaven through the years. And she tells us that this is a personal story as well.