BERLIN | Mon Oct 25, 2010 2:17pm EDT (Reuters Life!) - German author Reinhard Jirgl won Germany's most coveted literary award, the Georg Buechner Prize, for his life's work this weekend, the German Academy for Language and Literature said in a statement. The 57-year-old author is most famous for his novels "Die Unvollendeten" ("The Unfinished") about a German family expelled from its home in 1945, and "Die Stille" ("Calm"), which accompanies two German families through the 20th century as they experience war, inflation and expulsion. In these works, Jirgl brings Germany's "historical upheavals alive using different everyday perspectives which also make forgotten and buried voices audible again," the academy's jury said in a statement.
Read the full story here. See also: Reinhard Jirgl: Perspektiven, Lesarten, Kontexte (German Monitor 65)
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